The Process behind We All Got Up To Dance

I thought I would show an insight into how I created We All Got Up To Dance.

We All Got Up To Dance, is a photobook driven by a desire to ensure these memories are not lost or forgotten with time. Most images were captured on my film shoot and point, allowing me to savor each moment behind the lens. As I curated this collection, I found immense joy in revisiting these captured fragments of time, reliving emotions, and reminiscing on my journey over the past three years. The physical creation of the photobook brought me profound satisfaction and fulfillment. The nature of the book adds a layer of intimacy, inviting me to engage with my memories beyond the fleeting realm of digital screens. The title comes from the song American Pie, which I hold dearly to my heart. For as long as I can remember, this is one of the many songs played in the kitchen whilst we all danced and sang our hearts out.

For around 3 years, I have built up my film collection. I didn’t want them to waste away in a box. So, I decided to make a photobook. Before starting to sequence, I collected all my photographs which turned out to be around 500 photos. I didn’t know how to narrow this down, so printed them all out around 6 images a page. 

I essentially threw all the photos onto the studio floor and started to make piles. Yes, defiantly yes, maybe, unsure and no.  I needed to make so many piles because I was so indecisive and had such a deep connection to the photographs. I would say this process took a few days to cut the numbers down. 

During this process, pairs started to form, and I would blue-tack them to a board. I found myself reminiscing over the moments I had captured. This process would have taken me far longer if my friends weren’t there to help. This book wouldn’t be what it is without all their help. From being in the book themselves to helping me narrow down and sequencing. I’m forever grateful.

Once I had all my pairs on the board, It was time to sequence. I think this was the hardest step. But after a few days and revisiting time and time again. I came to the final sequence. I blu- tacked the images to the wall in the base room. This helped me to see what it would look like in a book. I then transferred this to Indesgined where I started to craft the book.

Some spreads from my final photobook. I will post the full photobook soon.


Paper Testing


The development of It Starts With A Step